Anchor Hocking 10565A Glass, Goblet
16 oz Excellency Water Goblet
- 16 oz Excellency Water Goblet
Turn dining into a canvas of artistry with the Anchor Hocking 10565A Glass Goblet. This elegant goblet is perfect for commercial restaurant use, adding a touch of sophistication to any table setting. Crafted by Anchor Hocking, a trusted name in glassware, this goblet is designed to impress. With a capacity of 16 oz, it is ideal for serving water or other beverages. The case pack includes 6 goblets, ensuring you have enough for your restaurant's needs. Made of high-quality glass, this goblet is durable and easy to clean, making it a practical choice for busy restaurant environments. Its timeless design and excellent craftsmanship make it a versatile addition to any restaurant's glassware collection. Elevate your dining experience with the Anchor Hocking 10565A Glass Goblet and create a memorable impression on your guests.
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