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Cutting Board

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Cutting Boards

Choppoing Board

Polyethylene is currently the preferred material for chopping boards due to its durability, resistance to warping, waterproof nature, and most importantly, its hygienic properties. This thermoplastic substance, derived from ethylene, undergoes a process of heating, molding, cooling, and cutting to achieve a simple shape. The majority of polyethylene boards feature a rough-textured surface that prevents food from slipping during cutting. However, the main advantage over wood is that polyethylene can easily be restored to its original hygienic state with the use of a small amount of bleach. Given the shift in dietary habits towards consuming less red meat and more poultry, particularly chicken, it is crucial to use a polyethylene board for preparing raw poultry as it is often contaminated with salmonella. These boards are available in various sizes, with popular options being 8'x 12" or 12"x 18". The most versatile choice is the largest size, preferably with a depth of one inch and grooving on one side. This allows for chopping meat, poultry, fish, and vegetables on the flat side, while the grooved side can be used for carving. Additionally, polyethylene boards provide an excellent surface for rolling pastry doughs. Its natural coolness is essential for achieving optimal results when making pastries. As a chef, it is essential to have a well-equipped kitchen, and one of the most important tools is a cutting board. When it comes to choosing the right cutting board, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, the material of the cutting board is crucial. Polyethylene is currently the preferred material for chopping boards due to its durability and resistance to bacteria growth. Additionally, different colors of cutting boards can be used to prevent cross-contamination in the kitchen. For example, blue cutting boards are used for raw fish and seafood, while yellow cutting boards are designated for raw poultry. Red cutting boards should only be used for raw meat, while tan cutting boards are specifically reserved for cooked meat. Green cutting boards are ideal for chopping fruits and vegetables, while white cutting boards are best suited for dairy and bakery products. Lastly, purple cutting boards can be used as an allergen-free option in order to avoid any potential cross-contamination with allergens. By adhering to these guidelines and utilizing the appropriate cutting board for each food group, chefs can ensure food safety and maintain a clean and organized kitchen environment.

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